Ranger Sewer

We locate what is underground.

Over 28 years Experience



Real Estate Septic Inspections

A Full septic and Cesspool Pre Purchase Locate when you buy your next home Is one of the most important inspections you can get, and also one of the best investments you can make!

In Suffolk County New York, and other parts of New York, Cesspools cave in, often with no advance warning signs. Much like a giant sinkhole collapsing, it just happens. Your best bet and some of the best "insurance" you can have on the purchase of a home is to Catch an Abused, Neglected or even a caved in cesspool Before you sign on the dotted line!

Real Estate Companies will say and do anything to get you not to have a septic and Cesspool Pre Purchase Locate done by Ranger Sewer. They do this because if there is a problem with the septic system, And the sale falls through, they stand to lose THEIR COMMISSION ON THE SALE OF THE HOME. In addition, If you don't discover the problem until after you buy the home, MANY REALTORS WILL NOT RETURN ANY CALLS FROM YOU ONCE THEY HAVE THEIR MONEY. Believe me, I have watched new homeowners call many times to get their Real Estate agent to report a septic problem, but to get no calls back. ONCE THEY HAVE THEIR MONEY, THEY DON'T CARE AT ALL ABOUT A PROBLEM YOU MIGHT HAVE WITH YOUR SEPTIC SYSTEM!

Please check with a Lawyer, But in New York, there may be a period in which to file a lawsuit of up to 6 years, if a problem with a septic system is concealed by the SELLER or the Real Estate agent. Again check with your real estate lawyer.

Many people have died in Cesspool cave-ins. You owe it to your family to have a Septic and Cesspool Pre Purchase Locate!

Please check with a Lawyer, But in New York, there may be a period in which to file a lawsuit of up to 6 years if a problem with a septic system is concealed by the SELLER or the Real Estate agent. Again check with your real estate lawyer.

Impeccable service guaranteed!

We proudly support the NYPD, FDNY, and our Military!